
See the full list of 2023 Anne T. Mitchell Honors Recipients here!

Recipients, please review the list above and email Mrs. Griffin by Tuesday, February 7 to report any spelling errors.


  • SENIORS:  Students who have a cumulative 3.7500 WGA or higher at the end of their 7th semester
    • Summa Cum Laude: 4.2500 and above Magna Cum Laude: 4.0000-4.2499 Cum Laude: 3.7500-3.9999
  • JUNIORS: Students who have a cumulative 3.7500 WGPA or higher at the end of their 5th semester
  • SOPHOMORES:  Students who have a cumulative 3.7500 WGPA or higher at the end of their 3rd semester
  • FRESHMEN:  Students who have a cumulative 3.7500 WGPA or higher at the end of their 1st semester