Bus Routes

2024-2025 Bus Routes

The 2024-2025 bus routes information is coming soon!

The bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year can be found by clicking on the links below. Please note, these will be updated as bus routes are adjusted throughout the school year.

2024 - 2025 South Transportation Routes

2024 - 2025 Central Transportation Routes

2024 - 2025 North Transportation Routes

Coming Soon!

Please Note: In some instances, Crestview High School (CHS) or Davidson Middle School (DMS) will show "No Transportation Found" for one or the other in the AM and PM. However, almost all Crestview High School buses north of Highway 90 share stops with Davidson Middle School and vice versa. Simply look at the run data and if it says, "AM xxxx DMS and CHS" then that is the current nearest stop for students attending either CHS or DMS.

Need Help or Have Questions?

  • South Transportation Routes - (850) 833-3555

  • North Transportation Routes - (850) 689-7301  

  • Central Transportation Routes - (850) 833-4161

School Site Locator

The link to the School Site Locator has been temporarily removed for maintenance.

Need to know the address and phone number of your student's school? Enter your home address into the School Site Locator (Spanish Version) below to find your zoned schools

The SchoolSite Locator will run on Internet Explorer version 9 and above as well as Chrome and Firefox. Internet Explorer 8 and below are not supported.

School Site Locator

English School Site Locator
Spanish Version

Bus Bulletin

Bus Bulletin

Get Real-Time Updates about your student's bus!

The Bus Bulletin sends notifications to parents if there are unexpected delays or schedule changes involving a student's bus. If you want to receive these notifications, please register at the Bus Bulletin website. For more information, view the Bus Bulletin flyer.