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Dr. Sandy Arteaga
Principal of Collegiate High School/Dean of Education & Charter School Initiatives
850-678-5111 x5259
JuliAnne Boretsky
History Instructor
Sandy Caudill
Records Report Specialist
850-678-5111 x4965
Alicia Copeland
Student Services Coordinator (Guidance) Alpha A-L
Jacob Fuller
Learning Lab Coordinator
Sean Gordon
Science Instructor  
850-678-5111 x6768
Kelly Hemenway
Student Services Coordinator (Guidance) Alpha M-Z
Laura Herman
Math Instructor 
Jeannie Hill
Learning Lab Coordinator 
850-678-5111 x6765
Elissa Miller
History Instructor 
Mary Beth Mizell
Math Instructor 
850-678-5111 x6429
Debra Rolison
Office Specialist
850-678-5111 x4949
Lori Shaak
Assistant Principal
850-678-5111 x6778
Tiffany Sydow
English Instructor
850-678-5111 x6767
Tristin Waller
Assistant Principal
850-678-5111 X5383