Weekly News 2024-2025

March 7, 2025

Field Trip - Sophomores will going on a field trip to the National Naval Aviation Museum on March 27. If you need to notarize your documents in the CHS front office, please call to make certain our notary is there. Thank you so much! Field trip forms are due March 13. If you are purchasing lunch, $10 is also due March 13. Thank you!

Lunches - Please do not use the online payment system. There are problems with our reports pulling properly, and errors have occured. We are working with the college finance office to get this fixed.

Academic Team - Academic Team has made it to the Finals for the Okaloosa County tournament! They beat Niceville and Rocky Bayou this week, which secured them a spot in the Finals against Fort Walton. Congratulations, Academic Team!

Robotics - Collegiate High School robotics team, the Radical Raiders, ended a terrific season at the state competition in Winter Haven from February 28th to March 1st. The team placed 15th out of 28 teams in their division. Coaches Micah Reese and Chris Elder performed a terrific job helping the students apply the concepts of engineering design, coding, and communication. The team learned a lot from the competition and are already planning on how to improve for next year. 

Themes - Monday(College Day), Tuesday (Twin Day), Wednesday (Dress-Like-a-Teacher Day), Thursday (Tourist Day), Friday (Green Day).

Dress Code - Parents, as the weather warms up, please remind your student to adhere to the dress code policies in the student handbook. Students who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to fix their attire or be provided with clothing in the front office. Thank you!

February 28, 2025

SAT for Juniors: Most juniors have registered for the school-day SAT on March 6 or March 7. Please remind your student to bring a graphing calculator, charged device, writing utensils, and snacks/water for breaks. Reach out to Ms. Waller at wallert2@nwfsc.edu if you have questions about this exam.

Sophomores: Student-led conferences are March 5 at 8:00 A.M. OR 4:00 P.M. Parents, be sure to RSVP here. This is a mandatory meeting for all CHS families.

March Lunches: March 7 (Chick-fil-a), March 14 (Zaxby's), Marcy 28 (Tijuana Flats) - The online purchasing link is currently under construction. Please send in cash or check.

Spring Break: March 17-21 ***CHS is OPEN March 14 and 24***

Yearbook: The deadline to purchase yearbooks is April 15

Parents of Collegiate Online Meeting: POC will meet online Monday, March 3 at 3:00. Please take 30 minutes to join us online.

Donations: We have a student collecting donations for Hurricane Helene relief. Small items needed include the following: hats, gloves, scarves, socks, thermals, sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, work boots, work gloves, hygiene products, toiletries, disposable eatery, non-perishable foods. Items can be dropped off March 3-March 7 near the front office.

Guidance Updates: Guidance counselors will be in the classrooms next week to work with sophomores to register for fall college courses. Please speak with your child to discuss and assist once they have been given information.

February 21, 2025

February Lunches: February 28 (Firehouse Subs)

March Lunches: March 7 (Chick-fil-a), March 14 (Zaxby's), Marcy 28 (Tijuana Flats)

Yearbook: The deadline to purchase yearbooks is April 15

Seniors: Senior Capstone projects are next week Monday-Wednesday. Parents and families are invited to attend their student's presentation.

As a reminder, CRDM will resume on March 3 and continue through the end of the semester. Attendance is required.

Sophomore Student-Led Conferences: On March 5, we will be hosting student-led conferences for all sophomores. Please save that date and look for an email to RSVP. Parents can choose an 8:00-9:00 or 4:00-5:00 timeslot to meet for the conference.

Scholarship Workship Announcements

Scholarship Opportunities

February 7, 2025

February Lunches: February 14 (Zaxby's), February 21 (Tijuana Flats), February 28 (Firehouse Subs).

Badges/IDs: Students will receive their ID cards on Monday. If a card is lost or requires replacement, the student should visit the CHS main office. The fee for card replacement is $25 the first time, $50 the second time, and $100 for each replacement thereafter. This is a policy set by Northwest Florida State College. Lost or damaged ID cards must be replaced within 2 school days or parents will be notified and billed. A temporary CHS lanyard is available at the front office for students in this situation.

Yearbook: The deadline to purchase yearbooks is April 15 - all senior ads must be purchased by February 13.

Parent Cyber Security Presentation: PARENTS ONLY February 13 @ 5:30 P.M. Building 400, Room 132/133. Children cannot be accommodated for this presentation due to content. Please RSVP for both parents/guardians if attending.

AI Showcase- The CITL will be hosting an AI Showcase that will provide students with the opportunity to present on various AI platforms and learn how their peers are using them. This is a showcase, but also a competition in which the first, second, and third place winners will receive Visa gift cards. The rubric that judges will use is included with the flyer. AI Showcase Flyer

January 31, 2025

Parents of Collegiate: CHS will be hosting an ONLINE Parents of Collegiate meeting on Monday, February 3 at 4:30. This meeting will be via Zoom. To join the Zoom meeting, copy and paste this link into your browser.

Student-Led Conferences: On February 12, we will be hosting student-led conferences for all juniors. Please save that date and look for an email to RSVP. Parents can choose an 8:00-9:00 or 4:00-5:00 timeslot to meet for the conference.

Parent Cyber Security Presentation: PARENTS ONLY February 13 @ 5:30 P.M. Building 400, Room 132/133. Children cannot be accommodated for this presentation due to content.  Cyber safety and internet awareness is ever-changing. Collegiate High School has partnered with the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office to teach parents about the dangers kids face today on electronics. This presentation includes information about student devices, cyber bullying, app awareness, social media, AI, predators, gaming, and adult content. The presenter will answer questions, provide information about parental controls, and distribute handouts for parents. There will be time for questions and answers at the end of the session. Please RSVP by February 11 for planning purposes. Seating is limited. Please RSVP for both parents/guardians if attending.

Senior Capstones: Senior Capstone presentations are scheduled for Feburary 24, 25, and 26. Please work with your seniors to prepare for this wonderful opportunity to show what they know.

Yearbook: The deadline to purchase yearbooks is April 15 - all senior ads must be purchased by Febuary 13.

FREE SAT sessions (for juniors only): Most juniors have already signed up for their free SAT in March. Please speak with your junior student about registration.

Student Grades: Grades for all classes can be monitored using CANVAS as that is the required method for Northwest Florida State College. Final grades will be posted in FOCUS at the end of each semester and will be used for transcripts. Using only the CANVAS platform for weekly grades ensures accuracy in grades for all classes. Parents should have frequent discussions with their student about their grades in CANVAS.

Badges/IDs: We finally have all the components necessary for students to receive their IDs! A student is responsible for any replacement charge for lost or unusable ID cards. If a card is lost or requires replacement, the student should visit the CHS main office. The fee for card replacement is $25 the first time, $50 the second time, and $100 for each replacement thereafter. This is a policy set by Northwest Florida State College. Lost or damaged ID cards must be replaced within 2 school days or parents will be notified and billed. A temporary CHS lanyard is available at the front office for students in this situation.

February Lunches: February 7 (Chick-fil-A), February 14 (Zaxby's), February 21 (Tijuana Flats), February 28 (Firehouse Subs).

Counselor Information: Check out our Guidance Page to view upcoming scholarship deadlines. Additionally, if you have questions about completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), please view the links provided here. FAFSA completion is for ALL students who intend to attend another college after NWFSC.

11th Grade: Counselors will be sending invitations to current 11th grade students in the near future to sign up for their 1:1 meeting with their counselor to review the credits earned and credits needed for their senior year. Recommendations will be made for dividing the credits among their final two semesters next year. They will need to plan for five dual enrollment courses each semester of their senior year. These meetings will be held February 17 - 26th.

10th Grade: Counselors will be providing a training with valuable information and advising for our current 10th grade students who are preparing to register for their first full-time semester of Dual Enrollment. They will receive a short form of their high school transcript as of the end of first semester of 10th grade and will be provided recommendations for what courses they should register for. This will take place during their SDS classes March 3, 4, 5.  Also, please save the date for March 5th for our 10th Grade Student-Led Conferences! You will receive an email to sign up for a morning or afternoon time slot. 

10th and 11th Grade Upcoming Registration Dates:

  • Beginning March 10th students will be requesting courses through the Dynamic Forms and parents will need to provide a digital signature. Complete these by March 31st. More information will be provided to parents and students on course requests and registration through counselor training with students and at student-led conferences.

  • April 3rd students will be submitting their full registration through their RaiderNet. This part is time-sensitive and should be done as soon as possible.

January 17, 2025

YEARBOOK: The last day to submit senior ads is February 13. Please use the link provided to purchase your senior ads!

HOLIDAY: Collegiate High School is closed Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

9th GRADE CONFERENCES: Student-led conferences are a requirement for all students and parents to attend. Please RSVP here.

LUNCHES: Online payments can be made here. Lunches must be ordered by noon on Thursday to guarantee a lunch on Friday. Students may order lunches in advance.

  • January 24- Tijuana Flats

  • January 31- Firehouse

January 10, 2025

Lunches: Online payments can be made here. Lunches must be ordered by noon on Thursday to guarantee a lunch on Friday. Students may order lunches in advance.

  • January 17- Zaxby's

  • January 24- Tijuana Flats

  • January 31- Firehouse

Books- students who need books for college classes must turn in their books from last semester and see Mrs. Rolison to have their books for this semester issued to them. Many courses have digital codes for books, students need to check their email to receive the code and access to their book.

No School- January 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Freshmen Student-Led Conference Save the Date- January 29

December 6, 2024

Calendar Reminders:

  • Finals are December 9-13. Schedules vary based on classes.

  • We will release school at noon on Friday, December 13. Please make sure your student has timely transportation.

  • Winter Break begins December 16, and students return to school on January 6. A schedule will me emailed out for January 6 & 7 WOW days.

Lunches: Online payments can be made here.

  • The café will be closed on January 6 and 7. The lunch choices for those days are listed below. Student lunches for January 6 must be ordered and paid before winter break.

  • 01/06/25 – Tijuana Flats

  • 01/07/25 – Firehouse Subs

  • 01/10/25 – Chick-fil-a

FAST Testing: Today, students completed PM2 of the FAST ELA exam. We appreciate their hard work. Thank you for getting your students to school on time for a smooth morning.

CHS Staff Breakfast: Parents of Collegiate is requesting donations for a CHS Staff Breakfast on December 12 from 8:00-9:00. Please check out the Sign-Up Genius for more details. 


We would like to welcome our new SRO to the Collegiate family. Join us in making SRO Hail feel welcome.

Sweatshirt orders: Students were given forms to order CHS sweatshirts. If you did not receive the form, you can email Mrs. Waller for details. wallert2@nwfsc.edu.


November 22, 2024

Reminder: School is in session Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26.

Lunches: Online payments can be made here.

  • Lunches can be ordered in advance.

    • December 6- Chick-fil-a

    • December 13- Zaxby's

Kindness Week: Our students loved kindness week! We would like to thank our volunteers for their time and donations.

Thanksgiving Food Drive: Monday morning is the last day to donate to our food drive. Please drop your donations off in one of the boxes located around the school.

Early Release and Finals

  • We will release school at noon on Friday, December 13.

  • Juniors and seniors will take their college finals December 9-12. They must also attend CTSS or CRDM for their required 3 hours.

  • Freshmen and sophomores will attend classes at their normal times and will take finals/complete projects December 9-12.

    • Friday, December 13 will be make-up testing.

    • Grades are due at noon on December 13 for the semester.

Senior Ads: Purchase Senior Ads

November 15, 2024

Reminder: School is in session November 25 and 26. Please coordinate with the front office if your student will be absent. Please refer to the student handbook for definitions of excused and unexcused absences.

Thank you: A special thank you from our Military Student Support Club - They collected donations at our free Veteran's Day Cookout for the Wounded Warrior Project. We are proud of the $223 they raised. Thank you to the Parents of Collegiate who donated food and all those who attended this event.

Lunches: Online payments can be made here.

  • Lunches can be ordered in advance.

    • November 22- Firehouse Subs

    • December 6- Chick-fil-a

    • December 13- Zaxby's

Kindness Week: We are looking for volunteers for Kindness Week. Sign up to volunteer. Thank you!

Progress Reports: Reports will be mailed next week. Please look for those for recent grades.

PSAT & ASVAB: PSAT scores are in and available online if students have a College Board account. Mrs. Waller has hard copies students can pick up as well. Mr. Fuller has all the ASVAB copies.

POC: The next Parents of Collegiate meeting is scheduled for December 5 from 4:00-5:00.

Early Release: We will release school at 12:00 Friday, December 13. We appreciate you planning ahead for transportation needs.

November 8, 2024

Reminder: No School on Monday, November 11 for Veterans Day

Lunches: Online payments can be made here.

  • Lunches can be ordered in advance.

    • November 15- Tijuana Flats

    • November 22- Firehouse Subs

    • December 6- Chick-fil-a

    • December 13- Zaxby's

Veteran's Day Cookout - PLEASE RSVP! This is for ALL Collegiate High School families. We will have activities to participate in and food to share. We hope for a wonderful turnout for this event!

Please RSVP here

Kindness Week

We are looking for volunteers for Kindness Week. Use the QR code to sign up.

Kindness Week

November 1, 2024

Testing Results: Many students completed the CLT or PSAT on October 16. The CLT results are available, and all students have been told their scores. Please speak with them about how they did and what their scores mean. PSAT scores are not available yet.

Parents of Collegiate: The next POC meeting is November 7 from 4:00-5:00. We will be working on our November activities and brainstorming for our December events. All parents are welcome to attend and participate!

Veteran's Day Cookout: Our first annual Veteran's Day Cookout is scheduled for November 14! The military club on campus is excited to partner with Parents of Collegiate to offer a schoolwide event. They will provide hotdogs. Sign-Ups to bring items can be found in the RSVP link. There will be some yard games and other fun activites. Please RSVP here and bring the whole family! 4:30-6:30. This is a FREE EVENT. We hope to see you there!

Parent Survey: As we go through the accreditation process, we are looking for feedback about our school. We are currently at 25% responses from parents. Kindly complete the anonymous survey to help us strengthen and improve our organization.

NWFSC Season Passes: All CHS students have received a season pass for NWFSC sporting events. The pass is good for 2 additional guests if the student has a student ID. Students can go online and get a Digital ID if they have a cell phone.  If the student doe not show a student ID the pass is good for the student and 1 guest. First games are Nov. 1 -2 in Raider Arena.

Lunches: Online payments can be made here.

  • Lunches can be ordered in advance.

    • November 8- Zaxby's

    • November 15- Tijuana Flats

    • November 22- Firehouse Subs

    • December 6- Chick-fil-a

    • December 13- Zaxby's

Senior Yearbook Ads

Senior ads can be purchased in 1/4 page increments for $25 each. Students who wish to have a larger add may purchase additional spots. Senior Ad Flyer


October 25, 2024


  • Online payments: https://commerce.cashnet.com/CHSPMT

  • Lunches can be ordered in advance.

    • November 1- Chick-fil-a

    • November 8- Zaxby's

    • November 15- Tijuana Flats

    • November 22- Firehouse Subs

    • December 6- Chick-fil-a

    • December 13- Zaxby's

Beautification Day- October 26

Sign up here! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4DACA62AA6FBCF8-52398406-beautification

Senior Yearbook Ads

Senior ads can be purchased in 1/4 page increments for $25 each. Students who wish to have a larger add may purchase additional spots. Senior Ad Flyer


October 18, 2024

Online Lunch Payments

  • Parents are now able to pay for lunches through an online payment system that is accessible through this website: https://commerce.cashnet.com/CHSPMT

  • Lunches must be purchased by noon on Thursdays so orders can be placed with the vendor.

  • Lunches can be ordered several weeks in advance.

    • October 25- Firehouse Subs

    • November 1- Chick-fil-a

Yearbook Sales

1st Annual Veteran's Day

You are invited to our 1st Annual Veteran's Day cookout sponsored by our own Military Service Support Club and Parents of Collegiate. This is a free event, and the Military Service Support Club will be accepting donations for the Wounded Warrior Project. Club members will be available to discuss this organization. Please see the attached poster and Sign-up Genius for more information. We hope to see you and your families there!  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4FAAA929A1F9C25-52275841-chsfriends#/

Beautification Day- October 26

Sign up here! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4DACA62AA6FBCF8-52398406-beautification

Red Ribbon Week

October 11, 2024

Collegiate High School and NWFSC will be in session on Monday, October 14.

Online Lunch Payments

  • Parents are now able to pay for lunches through an online payment system that is accessible through this website: https://commerce.cashnet.com/CHSPMT

  • Lunches must be purchased by noon on Thursdays so orders can be placed with the vendor.

  • Lunches can be ordered several weeks in advance.

    • October 18- Tijuana Flats

    • October 25- Firehouse Subs

    • November 1- Chick-fil-a

Yearbook Sales

CLT & PSAT Testing- Wednesday, October 16

  • Sophomores will take the PSAT (Preliminary SAT). This exam is free and is a great opportunity to practice for the SAT.

    • Students taking the PSAT should have downloaded the College Board Bluebook App on their computers. If they have not done so, they can access it here: https://bluebook.app.collegeboard.org/

  • All freshmen will take the CLT (Classic Learning Test). This exam is also free and can be used for college entrance.

T-shirt Sale

  • Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL

  • Prices: S-XL = $18, 2XL-4XL = $22

  • Order through https://commerce.cashnet.com/CHSPMT

tshirt image

Registration Information for Juniors and Seniors

  • Juniors and seniors will be using a new registration process for college courses. The platform we will utilize is through Dynamic Forms.

  • The initial phase of course registration for juniors and seniors will start Wednesday, October 16th.

    • At that time, students will only be entering the names and course numbers of the five college courses they will take. (They may also enter one or two alternate courses if a course on their list is not available for spring semester.)

  • The link to access registration will be on the CHS website and will be live October 16.

  • Parents: You have a role in this process.

    • You will receive an email from noreply@nwfsc.edu to create a Dynamic Forms account if you do not have one already.

    • Once your account is created, you will have access to the form your student has submitted.

    • You will be asked to provide your digital signature and submit the form to your student’s counselor for approval.

    • Parents- you must complete this step or your student will not be able to register for courses!

  • The second phase of the registration process will take place on October 31st. At that time, your student will access the link on the last email they received stating that they are cleared to register.

  • Students will enter the CRN's of the courses to build their spring schedule.

  • Detailed information was presented to students on Monday, October 7, 2024 during your student’s CRDM, CTSS, and Executive Internship class.

  • If your student was not in attendance at one of the five sessions, please encourage them to see their counselor prior to Wednesday. The information was also shared as a document on their Canvas and a step-by-step checklist will be added to the website.

October 4, 2024

Friday, October 11 Lunch - Zaxby's

  • Please order your lunch and pay by noon on Thursday.

Parents of Collegiate Meeting

  • October 10, 2024 at 4:00 PM in the PIT

Hurricane Donations

  • If you have donations, drop them off in the front office first thing Monday morning.

Spring Schedules- Juniors and Seniors

  • Counselors met with juniors this week to plan their spring semester.

  • Next week counselors will be meeting with juniors and seniors to discuss the new scheduling process through dynamic forms.

  • Parents should be on the look-out for an email about their role in scheduling and how to set up your dynamic form account to approve your student's course requests.

September 27, 2024

Friday, October 4 Lunch - Chick-Fil-A

  • Please order your lunch and pay by noon on Thursday.

Thank you for those who were able to attend our Parents of Collegiate meeting today! Ms. Waller can be reached at wallert2@nwfsc.edu if you have any questions.

Picture Retakes: October 3

  • Seniors - formal retakes only

  • All other grades and staff pictures

PSAT Registration

  • Juniors must pay their $20 fee to the front office by October 1 if they wish to take the PSAT.


  • All sophomores will take the PSAT on October 16. This exam is free and is a great opportunity for practicing for the SAT.

  • All freshmen will take the CLT on October 16. This exam is also free and can be used for college entrance.

Prom Committee Meeting

  • The first prom committee meeting will be October 3 at 3:00. Prom is for juniors and seniors. Parents interested in helping with prom this year must sign in at the front office to be escorted to the meeting. We will have volunteer forms available for adults who would like to sponsor this group.

Have a wonderful, safe weekend!

September 20, 2024

Friday, September 27 Lunch- Firehouse Subs

  • Please order your lunch and pay by noon on Thursday.

Parents of Collegiate Meeting

  • Thursday, September 26 at 4:00 PM in the Raider Café

  • Email Mrs. Waller with questions, wallert2@nwfsc.edu

PSAT Registration

  • Juniors must pay their $20 fee to the front office by October 1 if they wish to take the PSAT.

School Safety Video


  • Please help your student devise a plan to remember their badge every day.

  • Wearing badges in the high school buildings is mandatory.

  • We appreciate your support in reminding your students of the importance of badges for school safety.

September 13, 2024

Friday, September 20 Lunch- Tijuana Flats

  • Please order your lunch and pay by noon on Thursday.


  • If you are interested in applying for consideration to be part of the Collegiate High School Advisory Committee, please complete the Advisory Committee Application by Friday, September 20.

Student-Led Conference Save the Date

  • Senior student-led conferences will be held on October 28, 2024 at 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

  • More details will be emailed to senior parents.

Thank you to parents and students who attended our open house. It is always great to see our families at CHS.

FAST testing for 9th and 10th grade successfully took place today. Results will be sent home when they become available.

September 6, 2024

Friday, September 13 Lunch

  • Zaxby's, please order your lunch and pay by noon on Thursday.

Open House and College Night- September 11, 2024

  • Both events are open to all CHS parents and students and may be attended at any time during the designated hours.  

  • Collegiate High School Open House will be held on September 11, 2024, from 4:30-6:00.

  • Parents and students are welcome to visit Collegiate High School classrooms and teachers in buildings 300 and 340.

  • NWFSC College Night is also on September 11, 2024, from 5:30-7:00 in the Raider Arena .

  • Parents and students are encouraged to walk through the Raider Arena and visit with the college booths that are set up.

Collegiate High School Advisory Committee

  • The CHS Advisory Committee provides input that is vital to the success of the school and providing the best education for students. 

  • Committee members share their ideas about areas such as: community/business partnerships, capstone, accreditation, calendars, events, committees, and acceleration. 

  • The CHS Advisory Committee consists of CHS administration, CHS students (one per grade level) , CHS faculty and staff, community members, business partners, NWFSC faculty and staff, and CHS parents. 

  • If you are interested in applying for consideration to be part of the Collegiate High School Advisory Committee, please complete the Advisory Committee Application by Friday, September 20.

  • The CHS Advisory Committee selects new members yearly. If you have served in the past and would like to be on the committee again, you must complete a new application.

  • Applications will be reviewed by a CHS Committee for selection.

  • The committee will meet one time during the fall semester and one time during spring semester.

FAST Testing

  • FAST testing for 9th and 10th grade will take place on Friday, September 13.

  • All 9th and 10th grade students must bring their computer and charger on Thursday.

  • Computers will remain at the school in the testing room on Thursday evening.

  • Testing will begin at 9:00 AM and students will not have access to their cell phones or smart watches during the testing window.

  • Students will participate in activities planned by student council after lunch.

FAST Testing Information

  • The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) is a progress monitoring system that is administered three times per year to track your student’s progress in learning the Benchmarks of Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards throughout this school year.  

  • Your student’s FAST assessments are computer-adaptive tests taken on a computer or tablet. The questions get less or more difficult depending on how a student responds, and each student will see different questions from a common item bank.

  • Each test attempt (PM1, PM2, and PM3) will present items that cover the entire test “blueprint,” meaning students will encounter items representative of the standards within the subject or grade level.

  • Please review the following policies with your student before testing: 

    • Electronic Devices—Students are not permitted to have any electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones, smartphones, and smartwatches, at any time during testing or during breaks (e.g., restroom), even if the devices are turned off or students do not use them. If your student is found with an electronic device or is found using Bluetooth/wireless headphones/earbuds during testing, his or her test will be invalidated. 

    • Testing Rules Acknowledgment—All tests include a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” Prior to testing, test administrators read the rules to students, and students acknowledge that they understand the testing rules by clicking the box in the secure browser indicating they understand the testing rules.  

    • Discussing Test Content after Testing—The last portion of the testing rules read to students before they click the box to accept the Testing Rules Acknowledgment states that because the content of all statewide assessments is secure, students may not discuss or reveal details about the test content (including test items and passages) after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to social media sites. Please make sure your student understands this policy prior to testing and remind them that “discussing” test content includes any kind of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, posting to social media, or sharing online. While students may not share information about secure test content after testing, this policy is not intended to prevent students from discussing their testing experiences with their parents/families. 

    • Working Independently—Students are responsible for doing their own work during the test and for protecting their answers from being seen by others. If students are caught cheating during testing, their tests will be invalidated.  

    • Leaving Campus—If your student leaves campus before completing a test (e.g., for lunch, an appointment), he or she will not be allowed to return to that test. If your student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may be best for him or her to wait and be tested on a make-up day. Please remember not to schedule appointments on testing days. 

    • Testing Accommodations—If your student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), a Section 504 Plan, or is an English Language Learner (ELL) or a recently exited ELL, please contact the school if you have questions about the testing accommodations that will be provided for your student.    


  • All parents and students should be aware of the FortifyFL, it is a school-related suspicious activity reporting tool.

  • FortifyFL is a school-related suspicious activity reporting tool that allows Florida students and the community the ability to instantly relay information anonymously concerning unsafe, potentially harmful, dangerous, violent or criminal activities, or the threat of these activities, to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.

  • By accessing FortifyFL, students can provide a description of the threat, share pics and videos and submit contact information (if he/she chooses to receive follow-up from law enforcement or school officials). Once information is transmitted via the application, the appropriate law enforcement and school administration entities are instantly contacted and provided with the submitted material.

  • FortifyFL was created and funded by the 2018 Florida Legislature as part of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. The application was named by students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and developed by AppArmor. The Office of Attorney General, Department of Education and Florida Department of Law Enforcement coordinated its development and roll-out.

  • The FortifyFL link can be found on the chs.nwfsc.edu website homepage on both the top bar and the footer.

August 23, 2024

  • Lunch for August 30 must be paid for by Thursday, August 29. The lunch for August 30 is Firehouse Subs. Students must go to the front office to choose their sub flavor. Students on free or reduced lunch status must still visit the front office to order lunch. Their lunch is not automatically ordered. Thank you for helping with this!

  • Our first Parents of Collegiate meeting is August 28, 2024 at 4:30 in the building 400 cafe. RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/r/29uVx9zxEt

  • Please remind students to bring their IDs and wear their lanyards. We will soon be charging students a fee if they need to replace a lost lanyard.

  • Students will NOT be allowed to leave class to pick up DoorDash or any other delivery items, unless the items are brought by the parent/guardian. Please speak with your child about this.

August 16, 2024

Thank you, families, for getting your students to school and supporting our efforts at Collegiate High School. We had a very busy week as we welcomed new students, managed new procedures, and worked through WOW Week. Here are some updates for this week:

  • Lunches - Friday lunches must be paid for by Thursday at lunchtime so orders can be placed. $10 cash or check must be brought to the front office. Lunch for August 23 must be paid for by August 22. Lunch next week Friday is from Tijuana Flats.

  • Minimal bus route changes have been made to balance bus times. Please look for updates under transportation.

  • Our block schedule begins Monday.

    • M/W - periods 1, 2, 3

    • T/R - periods 4, 5, 6

    • F - all periods

  • Students will receive one more copy of their updated schedules during first period Monday.

  • This year, Florida State Statute 1006.07 states that all doors on the buildings must be locked. This is a new initiative for charter schools that passed in July. We are updating our procedures to meet safety requirements. If you have any questions, please call the front office.

  • The AS field trip for August 30 has been postponed. Ms. Waller will reach out to parents with more details as they arrive.


Good afternoon, Collegiate High School families! We are excited to start our new year at CHS on Monday, August 12. Here is some helpful information for parents and students.

  • School drop-off and pick-up is in front of the main CHS building 340.

  • Buses will drop off and pick up students at a different location on the side of building 300.

  • Students will go to their designated first period (9th/10th) or first group (11th/12th) by 9:00.

  • Free and reduced lunch forms will be available the first week of school.

  • Any students who have not picked up schedules should go to the front office on Monday.

  • Any students who did not pick up laptops or lockers will have the ability to do that this week.

  • Lunch M-R will be available in the Raider Cafe. Zaxby's can be purchased for $10 until 12:30 on Thursday for students needing a lunch on Friday.

Photo: Our bus drivers, working hard on finalizing those routes!

Bus questions should be directed to our bus coordinator, John Allen, at allenj3@nwfsc.edu.

Find bus routes here.


WOW Week - August 12-16 [Students in all grades must attend.]

Monday-Thursday 9:00-3:20/Friday - 9:00-2:30

Freshmen and sophomores will go to their first period listed on their schedules. Juniors and seniors will go to the locations listed for their groups - please see below.
